
Corsec on the Road – Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit 2015

Ian Wisecarver and Jason Kozak head to Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit 2015. Corsec’s Ian Wisecarver and Jason Kozak will be joining the IT security discussion in our Nation’s Capital next week, as they meet with IT product vendors and industry leaders at the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit 2015 in


IT Security Certifications at InfoSec 2015

Will you be at InfoSecurity 2015 this year? InfoSecurity 2015, is Europe’s largest free information security event, focused on relevant IT security issues including pressing issues like practical ways to protect information assets, recovering and securing data, and innovative strategies to discuss information security risks. Ian Wisecarver from Corsec will…

RMF and the DoD's UC APL

RMF: Is It Replacing the DoDIN APL and other Security Certifications?

As companies tap into the growing addressable markets for Commercial and FED, they are confronted with a litany of standards, acronyms and security validations they must overcome in order to stay relevant. The list is daunting, and making sense of this has been our singular focus for the past 18 years. In that time, we…

FIPS 140, CSfC, Common Criteria, UC APL

Corsec Announces Fall 2014 Global Speaking Tour

Industry Experts Selected to Deliver Critical Guidance and Insights at Leading IT Security Conferences Fairfax, VA, September 8, 2014 – Corsec, the world’s leader in providing access to new markets via third-party security validations, recently …

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How Heartbleed Affects Your Security Certifications

Much has been in the news over the past couple of months about the security vulnerability known as Heartbleed. It is of vital interest to businesses and consumers, but especially so for businesses with products intended to provide security for their users. There are some specific and unique impacts to companies who are planning or are in the midst…


Common Criteria Certification: What Is It?

Do you need to open the door to sell your IT security product to the U.S. government? That seems like it should be a process that is simple to work through, but think again. Any IT security product that will be used by the U.S. government for national security systems, either to handle classified and even some non-classified…

FIPS 140, CSfC, Common Criteria, UC APL

Maximize ROI: Market Your Certification

Taking the time, effort and resources to achieve FIPS or Common Criteria certification or UC APL listing is a big deal. It’s not an insignificant investment, and when it’s finally completed, you want to see a significant return, right? The most obvious solution is just to sell more product. And while this may seem both simple and obvious, we all know…


Entropy Testing: Tips for Meeting Requirements

In the second post of our two-part series, we continue our discussion with panelists from Computer Sciences Corporation: Lachlan Turner, Jason Cunningham, and Maureen Barry. Continuing where we left off with last week’s post, we’ll dive deeper into entropy and answer some of the many questions now arising…


Entropy for FIPS and Common Criteria: What Is It?

In the world of cryptography, data is only safe as long as the keys used to protect that data are kept secure. While, on one hand, this means that keys must be protected against unauthorized access, it also means that keys must be created in a way that makes them difficult for an attacker to guess. To produce cryptographically strong…

FIPS 140, CSfC, Common Criteria, UC APL

A Look Back: 2013 for FIPS, Common Criteria and DoDIN APL

The end of the year is a great time to look back at important milestones and use what we’ve learned to plan for the upcoming year. This year, clearing the air where myths and misconceptions were concerned was a theme that we saw come up repeatedly at Corsec, and laying the groundwork for smooth process…

FIPS 140-2, FIPS 140-2 validation, FIPS Validation, FIPS 140-2 process, FIPS Inside, FIPS Compliant

Dispelling FIPS Certification Myths

There are plenty of myths out there about FIPS and what it really takes to achieve validation. During our most recent webinar, “Top 10 Myths about FIPS,” we dispelled some of those myths and gave insight into what it really means to be FIPS validated and how your company can navigate the complicated validation process because of the level of detail, time, and cost involved, there…

FIPS 140-2, FIPS 140-2 validation, FIPS Validation, FIPS 140-2 process, FIPS Inside, FIPS Compliant

Decisions In A FIPS 140-2 Validation

Trying to decide whether to perform a FIPS 140-2 validation on your product? It can actually be a pretty black and white decision. If you want to sell any product containing cryptography to any U.S. government agency or department, then the answer is clear cut: you need a FIPS validation. FIPS 140-2 validation is required for products that contain…


Understanding Common Criteria Technical Working Groups

I recently had a conversation with a product vendor who was new to the Common Criteria community and it was refreshing to talk about and look at the Common Criteria “machine” from an outside perspective. One of the interesting parts of that machine is the Common Criteria User Forum (CCUF). It provides a voice and communications…

FIPS 140, CSfC, Common Criteria, UC APL

The Last Details on ICMC 2013 and What to Look for Next Year

Is it too late to talk about the International Cryptographic Modules Conference (ICMC)? Well, it really depends on how you look at it. If you were looking for a timely recap of the conference, then yes, I guess it is. But if you missed any of the details, this might be your last chance to catch up. And planning has just begun for next year’s conference…